

April 17, 2013

Okay, I promised I would update this thing infrequently, and once again I’m living up to my promises. Here’s what I have to report: I’m a bit over halfway through a second novel, and am also doing freelance work and other things not worth describing here. I have a title for the novel and everything, and have decided not to worry that the title was used about thirty years ago by a still-read writer whose work I happen to admire, though I hadn’t come across this namesake book until a month or so ago. (I’m not sure why I’m keeping the title so mysterious.) I have a few new songs as well, maybe two of which are worth recording someday.

A few people have contended that I’ve cloaked my email address all too well on the “Who Is Dylan Hicks and How Can I Send Him a Fax?” page. That might be true. I’m trying to discourage junk mail, obviously. Anyway, if you’d like to email me, I’m dylan[underscore]hicks at Yahoo. More news in seven or eight months.

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